One by One Friends of Animals
HomeAdoptable PetsLet's AdoptDonationsSuccess Stories


12324 E. 86th N. Street #278 Owasso, OK  74055

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Donate your a Volunteer
We couldn't do all we do without our wonderful volunteers.  They serve in various ways, providing their time, efforts, and experience, to help ensure our pets are seen by the public and to answer questions accordingly.  If you are a pet lover and are looking for a way to help in the cause to re-home animals in need, please browse the list provided below of ways you might want to serve and then, contact us.

-Assist in transporting and/or setting up adoption events and  helping to introduce available pets up for adoption to potential  families who inquire about  them
-Transport pets from adoptive homes to vet appointments
-Transport animals between rescue sights
-Foster pet sitter
 Until There Are None...Rescue, Adopt
947 DOGS and CATS and counting...
Your donations  have helped 
One by One Friends of Animals assist
One by One  is a registered 501 (c) 3 charity. 
 All donations are deductible.

When you choose 
One By One 
Friends of Animals, 
Amazon Smile will donate each
 time you shop.  

    Got an old car collecting dust?  
    That old car could be 
valuable to us! 

      Donate   -   Free Pick-up     
Tax Deductible
Foster In Your Home
We are always in need of those special people who are loving and patient, willing to open their homes to a pet, helping them to make the transition from homeless to 'at home'.  As you introduce a new personality into your home, you are in the unique position to offer security to the insecure, of watching a shy dog come out of it's shell, or a fearful dog learn to trust. Or maybe you allow a silly dog to just have fun.  Perhaps you are putting a roof over the head of someones once lost pet.  The rewards for you both are endless.

  Please consider the possibility of opening your home.
now makes ​
Now You Can Use Your
​Make monthly donations!!
Help Us, 
Help Them
Vet Bills - Food/Snacks - Housing
You Shop, WE DONATE!
For every new customer purchase through this site, Chewy will donate $20 to One by One Friends of Animals.  
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on your first
​​Shop and Give- It's Just That Easy!!

Click on the Sign Up button and shop in up to 1700 stores, to automatically 
give donations to 
One by One.

Target - Walgreens 
Expedia - PetSmart
Staples - Shutterfly
and many more to shop with!

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...good enough to eat!
  Did someone say 

Meat Dishes!!
Casseroles and
Main Dishes
Thank You!
Financial Giving
As a non-profit, One by One relies on donations to help care for the animals we rescue and ready for adoption.  Please consider partnering with us to save pets lives and bring enrichment and joy to the lives of those who adopt!